
Who Are You ??

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL !!!  beautiful If I could meet myself 20 yrs ago, what would I say to "lil me"? " Gossip less,Study more"? Or, "don't cry if you come second in competition" Or, May be, "You have no idea what all amazing things will happen in your life" NO  Maybe just,two words. "You're Beautiful"

Moment Of Truth !

The truth is we all have moments in life where the expectations doesn't meet the reality,it doesn't fit with what actually happens.Sometimes what actually happens is biggest disappoint or the biggest heartbreak and it kills us like at that moment it sucks. thunder And here's a thing don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't suck. Don't let anyone tell you to go live that moment and it doesn't hurt because it does. People will tell you it doesn't hurt, they say you'll be fine as it's a part of life and it will heal with time. They'll tell you different things that are designed to make you feel better but ultimately your brain is smart and it knows that you're feeling pain right now.  Now the pain is there for a reason but here's what we have to realize, Pain itself is not an evil. Feeling pain when things don't go your way in your love life or family or work ,that pain is okie to feel, that means you are human and if yo

Discover My Soul

death I want to die because that's what feels right to me at this moment. I know I am not going to have a natural death immediately,I'll have to help myself to reach death. I would cut myself because that pain would be better than the mental pain. I would hang myself because that would release me from my mental trauma. I would drown myself into the water because that might calm down my soul. Yes, there are many ways by which I can end up this life. Which 1 shall I choose? But wait do I really want to punish myself by killing ? Is that the only solution ?

Overcome,Be proud

Self Harm........  I cut myself not to feel pain but to see myself bleed. Something about it makes me feel better...  I'm scared i'll be judged if people see my scares from when I cut myself , I wear jeans all the times....  Yes, I self-harm. No, am not attention-seeking And no I don't want to die. It's the only pain I have control over. That's why I do it .......  I self-harm but i'm ashamed of it.So I come up with excuses to tell people when they ask......  I get so tired of trying to hide my self-harm scars, but I don't want them to go away...............


WHY PRACTICE HAPPINESS ? Happy Happiness is good for our health Happiness is good for our relationships Happy people make more money and are more productive at work. Happy people are more generous. Happy people cope better with stress and trauma. Happy people are more creative and are better able to see the big picture.


From childhood I have read and heard that Man : Is the head of the Family Head of the house The fatherfigure Feeder Helper Lover Companion Protector Uplifter Oh My God,list just goes on..... But Seriously ????? MAN Once again, today I came across an incident where a man was harming a woman. No, let me correct my words, I came across an event where a "younger brother was harming his elder sister". What gives these men the power to harass, abuse,harm,molest,hurt and in the end act like they are saints and woman is vamp ???????????

You Deserve To Feel Seen.

www, “Just because someone used to be an important part of your life doesn’t mean you have to continue to cling to the friendship when it begins to die. Your relationship was once something beautiful and fulfilling, and that’s a wonderful thing. But at a certain point, no amount of watering and nurturing will bring it back to full bloom. The fact that its deteriorated doesn’t mean you’re incapable of sustaining meaningful friendships. It doesn’t mean you’re not worth the time and effort it takes to maintain a connection. And it isn’t any sort of evidence that you’re a burden or a bad friend. It just means that the relationship has run its course. It means that you’ve evolved into different people or moved apart or just lost each other in the clutter and preoccupation of life’s everyday demands. But it isn’t a reflection on your value as a person and friend.