
Showing posts with the label real

Honesty And Authenticity

None of us are perfect Yes That's the fact Every person has his own kinda flaws, we all do mistakes. But what I believe in is atleast, ATLEAST making an effort to be on the positive side of the being. In the world where people believe that being HONEST and AUTHENTIC is so outdated and If someone follow it, they say "you are so overrated as a human", let's be a little extra as they say it to be and try being honest and nice with each-other. Now, speaking about these two adjectives or adverbs (however you take'em to be)-  it takes least amount of effort to be "free of deceit, truthful and sincere" (as Google dictionary describes Honesty) BUT we often tend to flip on the untrue or illusory side of our being. We find it easy to fake or lubricate the stuff up and present it, which might actually benefit you for the moment. But will it benefit you in the long run? There is this weird kinda belief in mortals of today'...


So many  So same Some amazing  Some lame Few sensitive Few brave They ask you to follow the trend Or you are at shame Few had to leave  Few have just came Some overrated Some deserving the fame So many So same ©slayqueentasmiya



Why Practice Happiness? - Slayqueentasmiya


The Wolf

The People Who Consider You Weak Have Not Yet Noticed The Wolf Hiding Behind Your Eyes, Nor The Flames Inside Your Soul. Let Them Think You Are Weak And Do What Wolves And Fire Do Best , Surprise Them When They Least Expect It.

A Woman's Voice Is Revolution

too little for your ego and i cannot give you no booze.....                           WOMEN HATER'S GET BANISHED in the time it took for you to reach this page, around 27 women in your country have been assaulted or abused. 1 in 3  women  WORLDWIDE has  experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. Only 47% of these incidents are reported to police. Worst thing that would ever happen to anyone, she is helpless, she is angry, she is scared and now she don't have a whole lot of faith in humanity in general.

Embrace The Woman You Are

                 Phenomenal Woman Related Poem Content Details Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size  But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say,  It’s in the reach of my arms,  The span of my hips,  The stride of my step,  The curl of my lips.  I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,  That’s me.

I'm a limited edition

why not call myself special ?? People might find me crazy,mad and kiddish but the fact is a person who doesn't love himself can never love nor be loved by anyone .


Taking pride in being ME !!!!    I am the truth that I was looking for ..... Now when I have found it ,                                          nothing can break me down ...... Self Love :) 


The difference between ORDINARY and EXTRAORDINARY is just that little EXTRA !!


            WELCOME TO REALITY  Show feelings = Get hurt :( Be faithful = Get cheated on !!! Show love = Get left  Be honest = Get lied to :| WELCOME TO WORST NIGHTMARE OF ALL, REALITY !!!!!