YOU Have Come Here To Live

So, Live

If YOU Really Wanted To Go To Heaven, Go Today
Why Are YOU Postponing It?

We Are Often Worried About The Climate Of This World,
But Never Care About Our Inner Climate.

World Is Not Happening YOUR Way? It's OK
You Are Not Happening YOUR Way Is A Problem.

And When YOU Become YOU Again,
Everything Will Fall Onto It's Knees.

Nobody Is Like YOU On This Planet,


Don't Look For Sameness.
YOU Are Unique!

And If Someone Love's YOU, 
They Will Be YOUR Peace,
Not YOUR Problem.

All YOU Have To Do Is:

From YOU

Maybe Not Now But Lately,
YOU will Realize It.
Yes, YOU Are YOUR Own Rescue.

YOU Have Come This Far,
YOU Can't Give Up Now.

Learn To Let Go And Be The Whole
All At The Same Time 
And The Things Would Change, Since Then.


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