Double Chin And Proud
Double chin and Proud It's the end of 2k17 but still People often take it as an authority to comment on a woman's looks. They feel as if they are a privileged judge of a beauty pageant where in all the models are walking to be judged on the basis of their looks, walking style, talking style, the way they smile, blah,blah,blah........ But these people often forget that someone might be judging them too because no one is mathematically perfect. I believe being imperfect is perfectly alright because we all are perfect with all our imperfections. I know, I know we all get to hear many taunts on the day-to-day basis, like for example : The most famous dialogue : "She looks so fat" 💁 Then comes this one : "Why does she dress like that?"🙎 And this : "I see a strand of white hair" "Yuck! what is that double chin" "She needs a nose job" "I'm sure she lies about eating too much" "Stop usi...