
From childhood I have read and heard that Man :

  • Is the head of the Family
  • Head of the house
  • The fatherfigure
  • Feeder
  • Helper
  • Lover
  • Companion
  • Protector
  • Uplifter
  • Oh My God,list just goes on.....

Seriously ?????

Man word cloud

Once again, today I came across an incident where a man was harming a woman. No, let me correct my words, I came across an event where a "younger brother was harming his elder sister".

What gives these men the power to harass, abuse,harm,molest,hurt and in the end act like they are saints and woman is vamp ???????????

That brother smacks off his Elder sister's head in middle of the road and just walks off even if she is falling there half dead and states "Girl, You are such a DramaQueen. Get up and get going."
Women Harassment

When other women surrounded her and tried to take her to nearest hospital or atleast give her some medicine, that bastard comes back and says "she is alright,I know to take care of her so go back." What does he think of himself ? Or What does these men think of themselves ? Or What does these men think the women are ? Toys? Maids? Cooks? Nanny? Sex-machine? PS3? Or the PUNCHING BAG to be more precise!

Yes, that man was wrong in hitting the lady but I would still not blame him because he is nowhere responsible for the abusive animal that he is become. Lemme explain you why, read on...

In sometime, mother of these both arrives at the spot.She has tears in her eyes, not because her daughter is dying but because her so called "Family's respect is being auctioned by her daughter". Wow,isn't it ?

She further explains the crowd(yes, the same crowd who has seen the entire incident) that her "son" is like a "saint". He hit her because his BP was high.

The harassed lady (now a little conscious) goes on telling "don't support him mother, today it's me,tomorrow it might be you who would get smacked by him". Poor lady,who is listening to her words!

I would blame the mother(the woman) for everything. Yes, you read it right.

I would blame the mother because she is the one who has given the authority, the power, the rights to her son to hit her daughter.

Some people would say: mother must be having her own restrictions, no! no one is restricted in this world. Has God anywhere or in any book said that the man is superior or man can hit woman or man can do anything he wishes and woman should tolerate ??? 

Let's see what religion says:


Does man think that he will be left neglected without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory duties enjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him? Was he not a mixed male and female discharge of semen pouring forth? Then he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion, and made him into two sexes, male and female. Is He not able to raise to life those who are dead?


Allah illustrated in the verses that He created both sexes from one single source. There is no difference between the two sexes in terms of qualifications in humanity, and each complements the other as the two genders of the species. Islam has abolished and abrogated all the previous unjust laws that demoted women as inferior in quality and nature. The Prophet of Allah (Peace be Upon Him) said:

Verily, women are the twin halves of men.

[Abu Dawood #234 , Tirmidhi #113 & others]


Men and Women are equal in God’s eyes in that both men and women are created in the image and likeness of God.
 (Genesis 1:27). 

Men and women are also equally sinners in need of grace and salvation. Redeemed men and women are equally forgiven, equally indwelt by the Holy Spirit, equally invited before the throne of grace, and equally heirs of God (Galatians 3:28).


Vedas, the most adored Hindu scripture, give respectable position to women. 
Rig Veda allows share in property to the daughter who resides for ever with her parents (2-17-6).It gives right to girls to choose their life partners or husband (10-27-12). 
A hymn of Atharva Veda says, “May women be united with handsome husbands. They should never be widows and never be in tears. May they be very prosperous and rich! May they wear pretty garments and beautiful ornaments and may they wish to take rebirth in human yoni (form) to maintain perpetuity of humanity (12-2-31). A husband is supposed to request and praise her wife and get her voluntary consent if he wishes to have sexual union with her (6-9).

“The woman is half the man.                    
The best of friends,
The root of the three ends of life,
And of all that will help him in the other world”
“With a woman a man does mighty deeds
With a woman a man finds courage.
A woman is the safest refuge….”
A man aflame with sorrow in his soul,
Or sick with disease, finds comfort in his wife,
As a man parched with “The woman is half the man.                    
The best of friends,
The root of the three ends of life,
And of all that will help him in the other world”
“With a woman a man does mighty deeds
With a woman a man finds courage.
A woman is the safest refuge….”
A man aflame with sorrow in his soul,
Or sick with disease, finds comfort in his wife,
As a man parched with heat
Finds relief in water”
“Even a man in the grip of rage
Will not be harsh to a woman,
Remembering that on her depend
The joys of love, happiness, and virtue    
For woman is the everlasting field,
In which the Self is born.”
Finds relief in water”
“Even a man in the grip of rage
Will not be harsh to a woman,
Remembering that on her depend
The joys of love, happiness, and virtue    
For woman is the everlasting field,
In which the Self is born.”
Yes, Man might be the "Head" of the family but remember this Woman is that "Neck" which has the capacity to break the head off.


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